Sell us your used Servers, Switches, Routers, Storage and other Used Networking Equipment
Do you have used or new IT equipment you need to sell? is always looking for new vendors and suppliers of pre-owned and off-lease technology equipment. buys all types of Dell, EMC, HP, CISCO and IBM computer equipment.
We buy from Canadian Companies and can pick up the equipment from you directly if you are located on the East Coast. We also do business in the west coast and can arrange shipping or pickup depending on the quantity.
We prefer to buy in larger quantities, and will not purchase defective equipment.
If you have something you think we'd be interested in, please email the following information to:
Your name, company name, email, and phone number
What merchandise are you trying to sell (manufacturer, model and configuration)
Condition of equipment
Asking price (Be reasonable)
Description and any other comments (be as thorough as possible)
At the current time, we are interested specifically in Dell, IBM and HP servers, storage devices and workstations, as well as other IT components such as CPU's, Hard Drives, and server parts.